Wednesday Afternoon GO Sailing

March 28, 2024

WAGS Cancelled Due to Inclement Weather

With the cancellation of our Wags this week due to the inclement weather conditions, it gives me an opportunity, for your reading pleasure, to bring to you the breakdown of what is happening over Brisbane Race Week 3/5/2024 to 8/5/2024. It was a fantastic event last year and we all would like to see more boats take advantage of this very different regatta.


“The Green Island Loop”. You have the choice to go either clockwise or anti-clockwise around Green as many times as you can fit into the 3 hour time period. You can start when you want and you time elapsed recorded. From 13:00 onwards.


Depending on conditions, two courses will be configured on the day to accommodate different classes. One shorter than the other with the intent to get two races in on the day with nobody left to turnout the lights.


The same as Saturday only in reverse.


A longer passage race. Once again setting two coursers to cover different divisions.


A pursuit race. Based on the results of the previous 4 days, a pursuit handicap will be calculated and race will start earlier than the normal Wags fleet. Again different divisions. It will be the only time that spinnakers will be allowed in a Wags like event. It will have no impact on the normal Wags fleet which will be run as per normal.


All run under PBH. No IRC.  Social events every day! See the NOR’s via RQ regattas.


Please get involved, the more, the merrier.

Register here!


Coming up:

Race 6/7 of the Geoff Anderson Memorial Super Series.

Paul Bolton

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