April 15, 2024

At the forefront of sailing education, the Academy serves as the educational hub for the Squadron, constantly refining the skills of coaching and instructional staff to ensure the highest standards of practice. Recently, Australian Sailing Performance Pathways manager, Ash Brunning, graced the Academy, leading a session on leadership and best practices.

Brunning’s expertise enriches the educational landscape, and the proximity of Australian Sailing provides invaluable support, strengthening our ties with the national body. The significance of this collaboration cannot be overstated, as it empowers our team with the latest insights and techniques.

Coaches and instructors play a pivotal role as the initial point of contact for our clientele. Equipped with a diverse skill set, they not only educate but also serve as ambassadors, effectively showcasing our products. As the Academy continues to evolve, its commitment to excellence remains unwavering, ensuring that every interaction with our customers is a testament to our dedication to quality and proficiency in sailing education.