Nominations for Club Member of the Year
Nominations for the 2024 Volunteer and Members recognition and Yachtshare Club Member Awards are NOW on!
Nominations close 5:00pm, Thursday 16th April, 2024.
On Friday 31st May 2024, the Squadron will host our annual function to recognise and thank our volunteers – not only on-water volunteers but all Members who voluntarily assist in so many ways around the Squadron. Any Member of the Squadron can nominate a member or non-member volunteer for recognition.
Who are we recognising?
Individual nominations of Member and non-member Volunteers are called for the following category awards:
- Marine Sports Volunteer Award – The David Virgo Trophy
- Cruising and Navigation Volunteer Award
- Social Events Volunteer Award
- Member Facilities Volunteer Award
- Special Contributor Award
- 2024 Club Member of the Year
All nominations for the category awards who are Full Members will also be considered for our Major Award – the Yachtshare Club Member of the Year.
The Yachtshare Club Member of the Year will be awarded for a significant contribution to any aspect of the Squadron in the 2023–24 Season. ‘Significant contribution’ could include on-water participation, an individual contribution to a significant Squadron project or initiative, or contribution to maintaining the Squadron’s presence in a field of excellence. Serving Flag Officers, Board Members, members of General Committee and Members paid for their services in relation to the contribution will be ineligible for these awards. All RQYS Members and Volunteers are strongly encouraged to nominate fellow Members and Volunteers for any of the above award categories.
Members, volunteers, family, and partners are also encouraged to attend the 31st May function to acknowledge the winners and all who contribute to the success of the Squadron in so many ways.