Wind: N-NNE-9-12 KNOTS
Tide: H@14:56-1.78M
Course: 20B
Number of Boats: 41
Another great fleet turned up to escape the uncomfortable heat on the land and enjoy all our bay could provide. A soothing breeze across the skin and that sense of ahhhhh, sailing.
The course was another new adventure, having not used before. It seemed simple-a reach, a run, a beat, another reach and home. Let’s go. Firstly the pin end of the start line was a common choice as the flooding tide was pushing south and as you went past Lockyer Light and out to the Hope Banks (RM) it just took away that little pinch needed to take the mark to starboard. A very nice run was enjoyed, I’m sure, by everyone all the way down tom the Peel Island (RM) before another starboard turn saw the work leg begin all the way back to Hope. Again the choices made by skippers and crew were differing. Left or right?? Maybe the flood tide had an influence. Now the kaos at Hope was, at best, comical. Let’s put it down to the heat, but there are some that need to have a bit more of a think about a mark rounding well before the mark and not on top of the mark when it’s all too late. Just say’n. The final run home to the finish line via Lockyer produced some very nice boat speeds and a compressing fleet. Very exciting! 8 minutes covering all bar 4 boats in the Mono fleet and 3 minutes, all bar 2, in the Multis.
Coming up:
Race 4/7 of the Geoff Anderson Super Series 5/2/2025
First WAGS of 2025
Monos |
Multis |
Closest to the line: 00:01-DANCING LADY (not present) DOUBLES NEXT WEEK
Lucky door prize: IGNITION-GEOFF
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