Topic Talks with Annette Hesselmans & Sophie Snijders
Fresh off their remarkable achievement in the 2024 Sydney to Hobart race, where they secured 1st place in the two-handed division, Annette Hesselmans (Paper Sailors Rock) and her daughter, Sophie Snijders, from Fika, will be joining us for a very special evening.
As the only all-female two-handed team in the race, this dynamic mother-daughter duo is now gearing up for the formidable Melbourne to Osaka race—a once-in-every-five-years challenge.
Annette and Sophie will walk us through their preparations for this extraordinary race and share their incredible story of what it takes to compete in some of the world’s most harrowing open-sea events. This is an evening you won’t want to miss!
FREE EVENT | Thursday 27 FEBRUARY 7:30pm | RQYS Auditorium
RSVP’s Required if attending at the Squadron
For all enquiries please contact Jess in events at events@rqys.com.au or call 07 3396 8666.
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